Author: Success Pathways


Be an all-weather leader and excel to lead in times of crisis (join us on Feb 25, 2022)

One grand reality that makes humanity uncomfortable from the start of its history is time. It is so dictatorial and stubborn that it never stopped, waited, nor slowed for anyone, even to dictators, kings, queens… Time keeps on dictating the pace of life on earth and will keep on doing so indefinitely until its own TIME comes to cease existing. Till then, well, we better be comfortable, especially if you’re a leader!

One of the reasons why Time makes us uncomfortable is that it accompanies another constant, change. And, we humans by nature are control-freaks and hate change! Well, if you’re a leader, you cannot be unfriendly with change. You must get used to it and help your people do the same.

What is more? You have to be more than comfortable with change! You’ve to be an all-weather leader. You must excel in leading in times of change. 

This is especially critical NOW, more than ever, and in this generation. We have seen in the past 2 years many leaders stumbling while others damaging their reputations and even taking down with them their teams or organizations because they failed to lead in times of change. Remember, these leaders were okay when they were walking on the red carpet, during peacetime. 

On the other hand, we have also witnessed some leaders successfully leading in times of crisis enabling their people and organizations not only to survive and outlast but also to thrive. 

The question is, what empowered these effective leaders to succeed in leading during this tough time while many struggled? They must have been doing certain things before the crisis, which others hadn’t. 

Let’s stop, if we haven’t yet, and ask: Where are we as leaders when it comes to leading through change? Would we lead differently if another crisis hits again? Are we up to the task or need some work? If so, what can we learn from those who shined in the past two years as we passed through one of the most devastating global crises humanity ever experienced so that we could also become all-weather leaders now and going forward? 

Join me and other world-class leaders on February 25th and gain some insights, tools, approaches, strategies, and tactics that enable you to elevate your leadership to another level, the level where you excel regardless of change and crisis.

Here is a less than 2 minutes blurb video clip where I shared the main discussion points of my keynote:

To learn more and register, go to Eventbrite and get your ticket:

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

#Live2Lead #JohnCMaxwell #EdMylett #JeffHenderson #JamieKernLima #ValorieBurton #WilliamAttaway

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